Τετάρτη 30 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - almost there!

"Any head is better than no head" (old Imperial proverb)

"... and it's even better if it's attached to your body" (old Imperial proverb cont.)

Unfortunately I was too tired to finish the base today but I'll get to it soon. If you have any ideas for improvement or if you've spotted any mistakes this could be your last chance to let me know...

Σάββατο 26 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - lenses painted

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I managed to catch a cold (in Greece, in the midle of summer...) and I had to take a small break from painting. I did some work today and folowing some advice I got about adding a few bright details to break up the overal dark tone of the model, I painted the targeting lenses of the psycannon and the horse's eyes bright yellow. I'd like your oppinion on that as I'm thinking of adding a final, almost pure white, highlight to these parts.

Τρίτη 22 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - headless horseman update

And it goes like this...

- Sir a headless horseman is attacking us!

- Yea right and the Daemonhunters codex is curent and up to date.

- No Sir, really. Look Out!

I'm proud to say that the Inquisitor is almost complete appart from the head, the horse's "eyes" and the targeting lenses of his weapon. I may also highlight the gun cable a bit morebut I'm not sure about it.

Σάββατο 19 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - clothing painted

Old Mr Inquisitor is slowly starting to resemble a finished mini. After much thought I decided to go with earthly colours for his clothing. Flamboyant colours would be too much fantasy and less grimdark plus I wanted to try some new colours. I'm pretty pleased with how it's shaping up. Let's just hope that inspiration doesn't abandon me as I reach for the finish line... Coments, ideas etc are more than welcome. Have at it!

Πέμπτη 10 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - another update

I guess it's update time once again! Purity seals, leather parts and sun (comet?) and moon symbols are finished. Hopefully the horse will be finished soon and then I can move on to the Inquisitor himself.

Τετάρτη 9 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed - update

I managed to do some more work on this mini. At the moment the metallics are finished and also the laurels and the scrolls. I'd like to hear your opinion on the bronze metallics. Usually I highlight them further but this time I'm planning to leave them as they are in order to tie in with the dark "silvery" metallics. I did some extra shading to make sure they don't look too flat but, to be honest, I won't know whether I like them or not untill I see the finished mini. On a more... frustrating note, a drop of black paint somehow managed to land on the mini. Thankfully it's on the edge of a metallic area so it will be corrected easily.

Obligatory pics:

Τρίτη 1 Ιουνίου 2010

Inquisitor on mechanical steed

Continuing on the theme of taking perfectly good WFB models, converting them and teleporting them some 40 millennia in the future here's my new painting project. Not surprisingly the model had been converted and primed some 1 - 2 years ago and then was left, neglected, on a box above my paint station. This infamous box is the place where minis have to wait patiently for their turn to be painted.

 I've managed to unearth some pictures of the unpainted conversion just to give you an idea of what went in this mini:

I haven't managed to do much work yet painting wise. I did however manage to spray GW paints using my airbrush for the first time. By the way window cleaning fluid works very well as a thinner for airbrushing GW paints. Silvery metallics were mostly airbrushed with a couple of line highlights added later. Bronze metallics were painted normally but I haven't finished them yet. At this stage they're basecoated, highlighted and washed but they could use some more highlights. I have some pics for you so you can tell me your opinion on the paintjob so far.