Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2011

Inquisitor in Power Armour - cloack painted

Just finished the cloack - loincloth. I went for a classic and slightly boring red colour but you realy can't blame me. I've watched all these movies with Roman centurions and generals wining battles and looking cool with their ornate armour and red cloacks so it has been drilled to me that red cloack = awesome combat and strategic skills. See, you can blame it on the movies!

Recipe for the red:

- Basecoat with Mechrite Red
- Re-basecoat with Red Gore
- Paint recesses with a 2:1 Red Gore: Chaos Black mix
- Paint deepest recesses with a 1:1 Red Gore: Chaos Black mix
- Wash with a 1:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Badab Black
- Highlight with Red Gore
- Highlight wth a 1:1 mix of Red Gore and Blood Red
- Highlight with Blood Red
- Highlight wth a 1:1 mix of Blood Red and Blazing Orange
- Highlight with Blazing Orange
- Glaze with a 1:4 mix of Baal Red and Water
- Highlight with Blazing Orange

Actually the recipe is easier than it sounds beacause the sharp folds of the cloack make highlighting very straightforward.

Παρασκευή 13 Μαΐου 2011

Inquisitor in Power Armour - A test for marble armour (updated with recipe).

And now something slightly different. I always felt Inquisitors should have distinctive armour and as I had some converted Inquisitors laying around I decided to try out a marble effect on one. I went for a quick and dirty technique based on washes and I have to say I'm very pleased with the results taking into account how fast the technique is. Take a look and tell me what you think.

Here's the recipe for the marble:

- Basecoat with a greenish colour.
- Paint 3 layers of diluted Bleached bone. You could also try overbrushing Bleached bone instead.
- Wash with Devlan mud.
- While the wash is still wet add patches of yellow, blue, purple and realy any other wash you like. You can blend some of the washes and leave others more pronounced.
- Highlight edges with Bleached Bone.
- Highlight extreme edges with Skull White.